
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Picture This

   When the stockings were finally un-hung and the decorations had been tucked away for next year I was left with a stack of Christmas cards on the hearth.  They sat there for a few days as I deftly ignored their presence until I gave them to my little one.   I gave her a freebie photo album and she carefully cut out the "people" cards.  Now she has her own photo album of friends and cousins.  She was happily busy with her craft project and it kept me from feeling guilty about throwing out the cards. 

   I started this tradition when my son was small.  At the time he was too young to use scissors so I trimmed up the pictures for him and placed them in a baby drool-proof album.  At a time when his speech was still developing, he would point to the pictures and I would tell him who was in each one.  He learned to say the name of his cousins and friends and enjoyed showing his pictures to people.

  Anyone who knows me can tell you I am not good with scrapbooking and keeping up with my photo albums.  Our Christmas card albums are a nice way to let the kids have their own photos without me having to say, "Don't get fingerprints on the pictures."  When friends send photos in birthday invitations or thank you notes, the kids can add them to their album.  It's a nice way to recycle cards and continue to enjoy every one's pictures.  What do you do with leftover Christmas cards?


  1. Great idea! I still have my christmas card hanging up, because I love looking at all the pics of my friend's children. Before the days of picture cards and we just got the pretty postcard looking ones, we used to cut them up and make them into gift tags for the following year.

  2. If you have the magnetic clear picture frames they are cute to put on the fridge too. I like your gift tag idea. That's a good way to re-use cards!
